What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After our final production was finished, we thought it would be a good idea to show it to our class, to get different oppinions and see if there was anything more we could do. we asked them to tell their thoughts on the trailer over all and asked them what is good, bad, and what could we improved on. the feed back we recieved was, overall, very good. the audience told us that they enjoyed our production and thought there was very little would improve on. one strong point that we recieved from the feed back is that the audience was able to see typical conventions of the genra of our trailer. simularly, they also managed to see how we went against some typical convention, which we viewd as a positive because it is what we tried to achieve when making or production.
during the feedback, it was evident to us that we had used the right amount of conventions that you would usually expet to see in a brit filck. the audience was aware that in a brit-flcick/crime dramaI, there usually isnt things like explosions in their, like you would expect to see in a typical action, however we did include the things like a fight scene, wepons, a antagonist and a protagonist. it is these kind of conventions that made it clear for the audience to identify our trailer as a crime drama. The audiece also told us how they enjoyed the use of the ‘Michael Bay shot’ in the trailer, a they was aware it was a hard shot to edit. despite this, they told us that it wasn’t really a typical convention shot that you would exect to see in a crime drama film. They said it wold have workedd better if our trailer was an action film, as the shots used in many action films like ”transformers” and ‘Bad Boys 2′, which are al films directed by michael bay. That made it clear to us that we managed to challenge the conventions, and our selves.
lidjano, who is a class member doing a simular film to what my group was doing, also used films such as ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ and ‘Snatch’ in his research during his pre production stage. he liked the fact that we went against the typical convention of using an adult to be the main character, as in our film the main characters are teenagers aged 18-19. this usually wouldnt be seen in a typical action film like in the ‘James Bond’series, however this was one of the main things we wanted to do inorder to cchallenge the typical conventions.
when we asked the audience what we could improve on, most said that we needed to make the story more clear in the trailer, as they belived for someone who didnt already know what the films was about, it would be hard to guess just from looking at our trailer. this was a problem that my group adrewssed in the production stage of making the traile. because of this, we added an animation in our trailer, showing how the characters in the film go toseveral countries to maje the drug deals. this, along with the voice over narating the plot was how the audience started to realise what the film is about, howevere thy still thought the shots we recorded didnt tell much about the story, when they should.

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