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Poster Idea 2

poster idea 2

our second poster idea was designed by Mike. when designing this poster, i believe that he took inspiration from the poster of  the film ‘The Raid’. this design contains typical conventions of our action genre as it contains the image of a main character, who shows no signs of his identity, creating mystery upon the audience. The dominate image of the building is a very important location in our film, however we try to leave this theory unkows so that the audience can come up with their own ideas on the iage and our film in general.
Mike or Dan, the two cops in our film, will play the character standing at the bottom of the building. The building that the person is looking up at is a Russian hide, and even tho the audience doesn’t know this, they are instantly aware that there is some sort of conflict between the person in the image and the building. the poster will be edited to look like our title and tagline are embedded within the building. He has done this to show how big the Russian crime organization is. Also, if we use this as our final idea, we will include a tagline, resele dae and awards that our film has won all around the poster.

Poster Idea 1

poster idea 1

This first poster idea was designed by Tommy. Tommy came up with this idea to do the poster in the style  of a comic book, which he knew would breaks the typical conventions of an action movie poster, however he wanted to create a unique design, that still contained elements of a typical action poster, hence the image of the guns.  In each panel there will be a still image taken from different scenes in the trailer. This will draw the audience in as if they are intrigued by thee look of the images, they will defiantly want to view our trailer, and the different scenes that are visible on the poster.

I believe that this design slightly breaks typical conventions of an action trailer as the cartoon comic book style makes it look like the film is aimed towards the younger generation, as comic books are often associated with children. despite this, i believe that the cartoon look enhances the wacky and crazy style to our film. also, usually a typical action poster would contain a  dominate image, usually of the main character so that the audience are aware of who is in the film. this design, on the contrary, doesn’t have a dominate image. instead it contains several images of the main characters to let the audience know that that there will be a conflict between these main characters who are shown on the poster.

I think the main images are going to be what we have so far and a couple more shots. Maybe of me and Remay cooking the drugs and a still of Mike and Dan rading our house.

if  we are to have this poster as our  final idea, we might consider changing some of the main images on the poster. we will have to think about this carefully, and make sure it contains images that gives the audience a small idea of what to expect in our film. the three main images, along with thee typography on the poster will be edited to look like a drawing.

Magazine Analysis

A film magazine is created to attract a mass audience. Just like a poster, the magazine would feature pictures and facts about the particular film it is promoting. Film magazines aim to add more detail about the film than a poster would. It would contain some minor, and some important details about the film to gather the attention of an audience. Like posters, the magazine cover would include a main image, either of main character or an important item relating to the film, and other minor details surrounding this image

spider man 3 magazine cover


The magazine’s company name ‘PREMIERE’ is in a big, blue and bold typography. It is placed across the top of the magazine cover, overlaying the dominate image. The light blue text stands out, and almost looks as if it is glimmering, which creates the text to be eye catchy and will attract an audience.

Dominant Image:

This dominant image consists of just one main character that appears in the film. It shows this character in an upper body mid shot. This shot allows the audience to become engage as they want to know why this character is so important. The black costume that the character is seen; in shows that this character has two sides to him. The fact that he has no mask on creates the audience to believe he is imprisoned by this dark side, and maybe he is trying to escape from it. It also shows that this particular character is not afraid to mask out who he really is, hence the reason he is wearing a suit with no mask. The masthead overlaps this image in order to show that the company of the magazine is most important. This image alone is enough to grab the attention of an audience, as this character in the dominate image attracts all audience, from women who find him attractive, and kids who love the idea of a superhero. It shows this young audience that anyone can be a superhero, as they can see in the image; he is a human in a suit.

Sell Line:

A sell line gives the audience viewing the magazine a rough idea of what to expect in the film. It encourages the reader to actually read this particular magazine as it can be seen as entertainment, because there is a different tag line in every magazine. This attracts the audience to buy this particular magazine. This would also encourage the reader to look closer at the magazine, and actually read it rather than just look at it then throw it away.  This magazine doesn’t have a tagline, however the dominate image, I believe, will draw the audience in due to the well know face of the movie star, toby Maguire.

termanator magazine cover


The film Terminator Salvation is being promoted on the well-known film magazine ‘total film’. The mast head is in white bold typography, with the word ‘total’ Is imprinted with in the word ‘film’, in order to show the audience that the magazine is promoting films. The film’s title ‘terminator salvation’ is written in a capital, bold red text creating the typography to become eye catchy towards the audience, the blood red color of the text links with the typical conventions of an action/thriller film, promoting danger and panic this allows the audience to view instantly the nature of the film, whilst allowing them to create their own opinion on the film. The white font almost fades in with the background of the dominate image, which shows the audience that the main focus of the magazine is the main image of the characters. This is to promote the film and aware the audience about the film, as well as promoting the magazine.

 Dominate image:

The dominate image, of the two main characters in the film, is the min focus in the magazine. The main image consists of the well know movie star Christian Bale, who is most well know from starring as the main protagonist in the dark knight films. Because of the large fan base that the actor Christian bales has, putting him I the main image will encourage the audience to watch the film. The film’s title is written in a large and bold red text causing it to stand out against the other elements of the magazine, the blood red text color promotes danger and panic this suggests the nature of the film and cause the audience to think what the film is about giving it a negative enigma. Both of these characters seem to be dressed in uniform, as if they work in some kind of army, fighting against the evil looking robots in the background of the dominate image. Despite this, the fact that the audience is unaware of this mysterious army creates enigma.

iron man magazine cover


The masthead for this magazine called ‘empire’ is very different to other masthead, due to the bright blue electrical typography. This typography is very eye catchy and also links with the convention of the film. It alerts the audience about the sci-fi/action genre.

Dominate image:

The dominate image I n this poster is a mid-shot of the main character in the film. This lets the audience know who the main character is and how the main focus of the magazine. The character looks menacing, as it looks down on the audience with its glowing eyes. This creates mystery and enigma towards the character, as it doesn’t say anything about its eyed entity. This will provoke the audience and make them want to see the film. This image looks very sci-fi, meaning that it will attract a niche audience. Despite this, as it states on the magazine, it is the sequel to the first film, meaning that everybody got a chance to see the first film and gather an opinion on the film. This means that there is a chance this film could have gained a mass audience because of the first film.

Sell line:

This magazine doesn’t contain a sell line, however I believe the dominate image is enough to sell to the audience, due to that look of this mysterious character.

posters- analysing different posters

what is a poster and why is it used?

A film poster is there to advertise a particular film that is either soon to be released, out in cinema or out on DVD/Blue Ray. A film poster would usually have the films typography/title and images of several or just one main character or item. This image is usually very bold, in order to stand out in front of the audience. The poster would contain elements from the films genre. For instance, if the poster is to promote a horror movie, there would usually be blood and gore in there, to show the audience that it is infects a horror film. Similarly, a posters main purpose is to grab the audience’s attention, and make them want to see that particular film that the poster is advertising. In order for this to happen, a poster must be eye-catching. A poster can be advertised in many locations. It can be seen out in the streets, on a billboard, in the newspaper or magazine, the internet and all the different social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter.


this poster if from the well know 1983 film, Scarface.


The dominant image on this poster would be the main character, known as Scarface, standing directly in the middle of the poster. It is put in the centre of the poster in order to achieve full focus on that character, so the audience know who is important. In terms of miser en scene, the black and white colours are there to contrast between his good and bad side. The white symbolises his purity, however the colour black contradicts this by showing he has a darker side to him.  This White suit that he wears could be done to mask his dark side from the audience. This would draw the audience in as they would like to see this dark side tithe character scar face.


The layout of the poster is very plain and simple, however very effective. The title is put at the very top of the title, hovering over the image of the main character. The title is put at the very top of the poster to stand out, which allows the audience to clearly see what the name of the film is.


Little text is used on this poster, in order to make the main focus of the trailer the image of the main character. The title is printed in bold red italics. In terms of miser en scene, the colour red connotes danger and, in a sense, horror. Red also symbolises that the film will contain a lot of blood, linking with the action genre. In the title, it is clear to see that the actor’s name, Al Pacino, is there.

dr no james bond James bond: Dr No


this is a very old film poster, just like the poster fromm the film Scar Face. It is evident to see that the dominant image on this poster would be of the main character, James Bond. The audience can know this as he looks like he is in charge and more dominant than the four women standing in the poster. It also looks like he is first in the line of people on the poster. This signifies that he could be a main character and have a lot of power in the film. His black suit shows that he is a man of class and may have a lot of money. This can give away clues to the audience about what his profession in the film may be.  In terms of miser en scene, the yellow represents warmth and happiness. This can signify the personality of the main character, because despite the fact he may be violent and have an unusual job, he is just a human being like everyone else. The red font symbolises danger and death. This shows the audience that the film may contain blood and a lot of action. just like Scar Face, this poster contains the actors name in big bold letters. this shows the audience who the main actor is.


The layout of the poster is set to make James bond, the main character in black, to look superior.  The women and James bond look almost like they are in a line order, with the main character first in the line. This shows the audience that this particular individual is the main focus in the poster, meaning that he is going to have a main part in the film.  It almost looks as if the main character, James pond, is leaning on the title ”Dr. No”, as if he doesn’t have respect for this mysterious character named Dr No. This shows that he has some sort of conflict with him, and the gun he is holding seems to have just been shot. This shows the audience that James bond may want to kill this particular character named ‘Dr. no’.


the main title, ”DR. NO” is red. this is done in many action and horror films to symbolise dangeor and death. This can show that the james bond film contain a lot of action and gore. This fits the typical conventions of an action movie.

snatch poster a


The dominant image on this poster would be of all 6 main characters in the film Snatch. The poster consists of all the main characters in order to show the audience who is important.  In terms of miser en scene, the positioning of these characters shows the audience that these people may be in some sort of game. This relates to the crime/action genre of the film.

LAYOUT: Just like I mentions before, the positions of the people create an intimidating effect upon the audience due to their ‘tough’ gangster posture. The title screen is placed in the middle of all the people. It almost looks like they are surrounding it. This can relate to the main plot of the movie; like how they are all trying to get their hands on ”snatching” the diamonds.


The text on this poster is very simple but effective. The colour yellow symbolises peace and calmness.  This, however, contradicts the style of the film, because it contains action and a lot of killing. This is evident due to the picture of the diamond next to the text. This shows that the people in the film may want to ‘Snatch’ this item, hence the title ‘snatch’. The image of the hand, missing a finger, may represent a character within the film. This draws the audience in as they would want to find out what this image means.

Risk Assessment


Person at risk

Control measure


Rain whilst recording causes slippery weather


If the weather conditions are bad whilst recording outdoors, it can be very slippery. This can create a person to fall over and injure them. To prevent this, you can either try or film as many shots indoors, wait till the weather gets better.


Using BB guns as props


If the prop gun is loaded, and the shooter is unaware of this, then when fired, the bullet will hit the individual and injure him. To prevent this, you must always check to make sure the gun isn’t loaded.


Getting hit whilst fake fighting


Because we are fake fighting in our trailer, there may be a chance that someone will accidently get hit. To prevent this, we need to coria graph the fight scene before, and make sure we stick to the routine. This way, the people fighting would know what to expect an they wouldn’t get hit.


pre- production: The Script


Int. Ronnie’s apartment. Birmingham – Daytime

We see Ronnie and Jason cooking crystal meth in their kitchen they finish of cooking the rest of the crystal meth and leave it to settle. Mid shot of equipment.

We see Ronnie and Jason sit down on their sofa; Jason takes a line of cocaine. Long shot of both characters.


                                                DAN (Police)

                                                *Bang Bang* Open the door, police.


Int. Back of a van. Birmingham – daytime

We see the back doors of a van open and a man with a mask and a gun pull out Jason from the van, this is a POV shot mid shot of the enemy in front.


                                                Enemy 1(Russian)

                                                Get out of the van.




Ext. Abandoned apartment. Birmingham – Night

We see Jason looking round tied up to a chair, to the right he sees someone with a mask on also tied down to a chair and a Russian holding a gun to his head playing Russian roulette.



                                                No, no, nooo!

                                                Enemy 2(Russian)

                                                Shut up, ill deal with you next.


Next we see the guy to Jason’s right get shot




Next Jason tries his hardest to break out of the rope and successfully breaks out and then it will fade to black.


Int. Apartment. Birmingham – night time

This is when all character will meet up at a poker game and there will be a couple of hands played in a tense atmosphere


                                                Non diegetic music in the background



                                                All in!


Ext. field. Birmingham – evening

Jason and Ronnie are digging a grave at the top of the hill and are throwing a body into a grave.



                                                Improvised comical time


Int. Abandoned building. Birmingham – night time

The head Russian light up a cigarette


                                                Main enemy

                                                (angry) you think you can steal form me? My drugs? My money? You think that you can out smart me? Kill my friends, my men? Now, I do not like wars, I think they are pointless and vulgar. But believe me when I say this, war is now our only option my friend.

story board

ImageThis is the story board of our first 4 shots in the trailer. We got inspiration to do these type of shots from the well know TV show, breaking bad. The camera shot for our first shot will be a mid-shot of the boiling pot; the pots where the two drug dealers create the drugs. This shot will show the side of the pot, as it boils. We will edit the sound of boiling water over this shot.
The second shot will be a POV shot from the bottom of the pot looking up at me and tommy, the two drug dealer, as we look down at the drugs.  This shot is also inspired form breaking bad. There will be no dialog or non-diegetic music throughout this scene.
The third shot will be of the two drug dealers sitting down on the chair, whilst looking directly at the camera. This scene will start as a mid-shot, looking forward at the two drug dealers. The camera wills the dolly backwards slowly, still looking at the two characters. Shortly after, the sound of a diegetic door will knock, and the audience will hear the diegetic dialog of a police officer shouting ‘open the door!’ As soon as this dialog is over, there will be a dolly zoom on the two drug dealers as they start to panic. The shot will then cut to black.

ImageThe fourth shot will be an eye line match shot of my character, Jason, getting pulled out the back of a van by a mysterious person wearing a black mask. This shot will create mystery as the audience will not know who the man under the mask is, and who he is working for.
The 5th shot will be of the drug dealers, Jason and Ronnie, tied up and getting interrogated by their rivals the Russians.  This shot will be a mid-shot. The Russian will be pointing a gun at my character, Jason’s, head. Shortly after, this scene will follow in a fight scene.
The 6th shot will be shot in a completely different location. It will be an over the shoulder shot of somebody with a knife about to assassinate somebody who is unaware of it.
The 7th scene will be, yet again, a shot in a different location. This shot will be shot in a house, with high key lighting. The scene would follow the two drug dealers, and the two undercover police officers, playing a game of poker. The scene will start at an Ariel shot, looking down at the table as the opponents play each other. The camera wills the dolly to an over the shoulder shot of a person looking at their power hand.

ImageThe 8th shot will be an outdoor shot. There will be low key lighting, as we lay on doing this shot near night time. The shot will be a wide shot of two people digging a grave and burying a person. The last shot will be of the main antagonist, a Russian, talking in a room. The shot will be a mid-shot of his face, whilst he talks about getting revenge on the two drug dealers.

Rough draft of trailer

during a one week holiday, all three of us recorded some rough shots for our trailer. We wont be using these shots, however they will be used to create a rough idea of what we hope our trailer to look like. we recorded many shots, however we narrowed the draft down to 11 main shots that we believed stood out the most. the first shot that we took from the recorded drafts wears a mid shot of a boiling pot, looking side onwards. in this pot, will be the drugs that our dealers ‘cook’ with. the second shot will be of the two main drug dealers sitting down on a chair, looking in the way of the camera, whilst it zooms out. my character, Jason, will be talking some narcotics during this shot, whilst the other team mate just sits there. this is done to shoe the difference between the two personalities; one is a stupid drug addict and the other is the smart dealer. the third shot will be of one of the drug dealers dragging in a police officer, whilst the other as about to shoot him. This scene will be shot in different angles as it will be a big scene in the trailer.

location idea

For our A2 trailer, we have thought of several different locations that we believe would make our trailer seem more like an action film, rather than a horror film or comedy film. We plan on having a mixture of low, high and medium key lighting in the different locations, depending on what occurs in that scene.

Location 1: white van- for a scene in our trailer, I, the drug dealer, am going to be held captive by the Russians in the back of a van. This scene is going to be shot in POV and in low key lighting during the first moments in the van to build suspense and create enigma for the character trapped inside. Shortly after, the van doors open, causing the can to become very bright. The bright light will, at first, blind the camera, which will over the people who open the van. This will create mystery for the audience, as they are unaware of who has captured the drug dealer. We also believe that a van would be a good location for this scene because it is a very small cramped environment, creating a claustrophobic atmosphere.

Location 2: zoom out scene- this is going to be the first shot of our film. We got the inspiration from the opening to the film ‘’a clockwork orange’’. The scene is going to be shot at someone’s house, on their chare. The camera will be pointing at us, then slowly zoom out as me and tommy (the two drug dealers) are sitting down staring blankly at the camera. We believe that this location shot will cause suspense because it is the first time you see the main antagonists. The room will be in high key lighting, with the light mainly focussing on the two drug dealers.  This is to show that our two characters are very important.

Inside a house: for a lot of our shots, we will be filming inside a house. This creates a feel of secrecy towards the two drug dealers, as if it’s their safe house and no one knows about it. The room will always be dimly lit, whenever the audience see it. Low key lighting creates the scene to feel dull and lonely, just like how you would expect a drug dealer’s life to be.  There is also going to be a separate house, the Russian’s house. This house is going to be the house in which I, the drug dealer, fight of a group of Russians we believe that this scene should also be shot in medium key lighting to let the audience know that they are the antagonists.

our typography

When researching the different types of typography for action films we found that the titles used for films are quite often very simple and contain elements from the film. For example, a racing/action film may have some skid marks in the title, to show the audience that the film contains racing. All of the typography’s that we designed are very simple and easy designs to fit the theme of our film.


This is our first typography and title. We got inspired to this type of text from the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrel. We mainly got the style of the text and the typewriter style from the films title as well. We believe it gives the feel of a typical ‘Brit-flick’ movie, which we wanted to achieve. We also believe that the type writer effect looks as if it was a document from a police file, created by the two police officers towards the two drug dealers.


For our second title idea, we wanted to focus on something that relates to the actual plot line of the film. Because the Russians are the main protagonists, we wanted to make the font look as if it was created by the Russians.


With this title, we are going to make it link in with the sound of the dietetic music. The words will come on screen in rhythm with the music that we have chosen which will be a jumpy and upbeat style song. we believe this is the best idea because it contrasts between the two main goings; Russian and British. Also, the British are supplying the narcotics and the Russians are demanding the narcotics. This is why we have set it out the way that we have. We are going to have the word ‘supply’ designed with the British flag, and the ‘demand’ word covered with the Russian flag.